Martin Klingst
Journalist & Author

My name is Martin Klingst, I studied law and worked afterwards as a journalist for more than three decades. I was news editor and political journalist at the NDR (North German Broadcasting Corporation), domestic and foreign affairs reporter at Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt, editor for legal policy, head of the political department, U.S. and political correspondent at DIE ZEIT. At the Office of the Federal President, I headed the Strategic Communications and Speeches Department for almost a year. In September 2021, I began devoting myself to transatlantic projects, primarily for the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Atlantik Brücke.
I am particularly interested in European-American relations, human rights, and international humanitarian law. In recent years, I have published three books on these topics: ‘Menschenrechte’ (‘Human Rights’), Reclam 2016; ‘Trumps Amerika. Reise in ein weißes Land’ (‘Trump's America. Journey to a White Country’), Reclam 2018; ‘Amerikas Mr. Germany. Guido Goldman’, Herder 2021 / ‘Guido Goldman. Transatlantic Bridge Builder’, Berghahn Books 2021.